28. November 2024 um 17 Uhr
Shelf Opening with Aaron Benanav
27. November 2024 um 18 Uhr
Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Glossar der Gegenwart 2.0
28 November (5pm): Shelf Opening with Aaron Benanav
Join us on November 28 (Thursday) at 5pm for our shelf-opening with (@thenew.institute ) fellow Aaron Benanav. He will present books that have shaped his life and thinking (including little anecdotes about the books we all love so much).
Aaron is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University. His first book, Automation and the Future of Work, appeared with Verso in 2020 and has been translated into 10 languages. Aaron’s writing has been featured in the Nation, Guardian, New Statesman, Boston Review, and New Left Review. His research interests include technological change, unemployment, economic development, critical theory, and alternative economic systems. Currently, he is working on two book projects.
This is a joint event with (@thenew.institute). The event is free and open to the public. The talk will be presented in English.
27. November von 18 bis 20 Uhr, Diskussionsveranstaltung
über das neu erschienene Glossar der Gegenwart 2.0 (hg. von Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann und Thomas Lemke).
Unter dem Motto „Zeitdiagnostik ohne Zentralschlüssel“ sprechen Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann, Urs Stäheli, Frank Adloff, Fritz Breithaupt und Christine Hentschel darüber, was es heute bedeutet, unsere Gegenwart zu lesen und sie ‚auf den Begriff‘ zu bringen.
Im Anschluss wird zum Weinempfang eingeladen.
Die Veranstaltung wird in deutscher Sprache stattfinden.
Voranmeldung unter: zukuenfte.der.nachhaltigkeit@uni-hamburg.de
19 November (6 pm) Shared Reading #6 with Christiane Müller
Bei Shared Reading lesen wir gemeinsam Literatur, meist Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte; ganz unangestrengt und offen wollen wir über die Texte miteinander ins Gespräch kommen, unsere Gedanken ausdrücken und einander zuhören.
In Mittelpunkt steht der vorher unbekannte Text, niemand muss sich vorbereiten- alle kommen, wie sind. Diese neue „Lesart“ aus Liverpool ermöglicht uns ein intensives, inspirierendes, achtsames Leseerlebnis. Und es gilt: Wer zuhört, gehört bereits dazu.
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Der Abend findet in deutscher Sprache statt.
14 November (5 pm): Shelf Opening with Andrew Doss
Join us on November 12 (Tuesday) at 5pm for our shelf-opening with (@thenew.institute ) fellow Andrew Dass. He will present books that have shaped his life and thinking (including little anecdotes about the books we all love so much).
Andrew is the CEO & Founder of 3DL—Three Degree Living—a new nonprofit that brings communities together to make and implement pathways for living in a hotter future. Since the 2005 Katrina disaster flooded his hometown of New Orleans, he has connected local communities and global systems to prevent, respond to, and recover from catastrophe. Focused on the intersection of governance, culture, and equity, he convenes people to collaboratively address complex challenges.
This is a joint event with (@thenew.institute). The event is free and open to the public. The talk will be presented in English.