Karl Lagerfeld

Edited by Karl Lagerfeld and René Grohnert.

Three hardcover and two softcover books in a wooden box. German text.

The central book in this limited edition boxed set Reklame. Frühe Werbung auf Plakaten (Reklame. Early German Poster Advertising) presents Museum Folkwang. Accompanying this are meticulous facsimiles of four true rarities of the printed page: Oscar Bie’s 1920 Schnackenberg. Kostüme, Plakate und Dekorationen, H.K. Frenzel’s monograph Ludwig Hohlwein, and two brochures titled Unsere Reklamekünstler – Selbstbekenntnisse und Selbstbildnisse, originally published in 1920 and 1921.

Printed and bound with scrupulous attention to detail and presented in a handcrafted wooden box, Reklame is a unique book object and a must-have for all those with an interest in the history of poster art.
